Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Obama and Facebook top Google searches

According to Google, Obama, Facebook and the iPhone were all in the top ten for most searched items on Google.

What tops your list?


Anonymous said...

Obama is up there. I also look for things about new bands, and i look for sales! (oh, and the news. all the time the news).

Anonymous said...

I guess I would say Obama is up there. Celebs are always good too... randomnly I'm often looking up song lyrics... and of course I google for school projects (hello j202 slideshow..)!

Anonymous said...

what i'm searching this week... politicians who try to sell senate seats, Obama administration, CSAs, pear butter recipes, bread recipes, how to can pears, Oscar buzz-stuff and good books for winter-break reading.

TwinCitiesChica said...

I agree that Obama is up there for me too! I also search quick health rememdies if I'm ever feeling under the weather, sports news, and tons of really random information if something's bugging me (did Japanese Kamakazi pilots wear helmets?...yes but they were made out of leather and canvas)! I love google!