Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Creepy or cool?

Cell phones are constantly changing, case in point:

A new device for cell phones brings up a map that allows users to locate thier friends and family, and anyone else that you creepily have the number of, with the touch of a button...

"Hey, I see you're at Starbucks. I'll meet you there in 5 minutes!"

"Oh, you're at the library? I thought you said you were studying at home?!"

..and the list could go on.

Is technology allowing for invasions of privacy?


becky_badger said...

I think technology has the possibility of invading privacy depending on how people use it. The cell phone thing is creepy to me, but I'm not that surprised to hear it exists. I've also been reading about Google storing all the search requests it gets and that creeps me out too. I feel like technology in the wrong hands can lead to a lot of power - there is a lot of information out there for the taking if one knows how to get it.

Anonymous said...

Creepy and cool. While I think it is amazing how advanced technology is, I definitely don't want everyone in my contact list, like my parents??, knowing where I am all the time. Just because we have the ability or power to do something, like cell phone locating, does not make it right or make it something we should take advantage of.

Anonymous said...

I think this is a huge invasion of privacy. People tracking people is for police tracking criminals, not my mom or some stalker trying to pin me down. This could potentially be dangerous. I'm sure people could take advantage of this technology and use it to do a lot of bad. It's cool, but definitely not worth the disadvantages.

Anonymous said...

Also, I made this blogger name Freshman year, do not patronize me for it....I attempted to make a new one-Madisoninmadison, but it didn't work out.

Katie said...

Wow, that's crazy. I don't want people to know where I am at all times! Also, MadisonNYC, your blogger name made me laugh.

amanda_marie said...

That is super creepy! I don't want people to be able to know where I am.