Friday, December 12, 2008


So what do you do when technology isn't on your side? When all of your efforts seem futile because the J-School server refuses to accommodate you? Well, there really isn't anything you CAN do because technology has a mind of its own and hates you right when you need it the most.

Tell us what you do to de-stress when the digital world caves in...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

It's a Facebook world...

No one is immune to Facebook ... have a look:

Washington Post CEO Joins Facebook’s Board

Do you think we'll still be slaves to Facebook once we've left college and moved into the real world??

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It's not just the norovirus anymore

Social networking comes with its own set of rules, so be careful!

Social Network Diseases - New York Times

Obama and Facebook top Google searches

According to Google, Obama, Facebook and the iPhone were all in the top ten for most searched items on Google.

What tops your list?

Some say apples aren't always so sweet

Some people are saying Apple has an illegal monopoly of the Mac market -- what do you think?

Psystar Accuses Apple Of OS X Funny Business

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

And we thought Cathy had it bad...

I know we ask Cathy some pretty silly questions sometimes, but we're not as dense as some people out there. Check out for a few laughs...

Gaming fever...

Video games and online games are a big deal. Kind of. When one college girl comes home to find both TVs in her living room blaring with some form of gaming system on them...maybe it's time to start analyzing the benefits versus the negative effects of gaming.


Creepy or cool?

Cell phones are constantly changing, case in point:

A new device for cell phones brings up a map that allows users to locate thier friends and family, and anyone else that you creepily have the number of, with the touch of a button...

"Hey, I see you're at Starbucks. I'll meet you there in 5 minutes!"

"Oh, you're at the library? I thought you said you were studying at home?!"

..and the list could go on.

Is technology allowing for invasions of privacy?


Welcome to the wisc_wired blog! We are excited to offer fresh content and get your feedback and comments on how you live through technology.

Thanks for visiting and come back soon!
-the web team